Sunday, January 25, 2009

Need a Running Partner

This is Sarge, a 1 to 2 year old German Shepherd up for adoption through the Save A Shepherd Rescue Alliance in the Philadelphia area. We'd love to adopt Sarge, but with two already, we'll wait. But he looks like a great runner!
But this post isn't about Sarge, per se. It's about anyone, anywhere, looking for a running partner. There are so many great dogs in shelters and with various breed rescue societies that need a running partner. They're just waiting and as a running partner, here's what you get:
1) A loyal and fun companion.
2) Someone who will take you running anytime you want.
3) Someone who will adjust to your pace.
4) Someone who will be patient and listen to you as you rant and rave about that heel or knee injury.
5) Someone who doesn't need a lot of runnng gear.
6) Did a I mention a loyal and fun companion.
7) Someone who will never forget that you decided to be their running partner.

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