Monday, June 15, 2009

Team Slug 50K

I'm excited about this coming Saturday, June 20th. I'll be driving about 90 minutes south of Philadelphia to a small state park near Dover, Delaware, for a Team Slug 50K. It's a low-key event...10 loops of a 3.1 mile trail; no entry fees; bring your own food and drink, along with some communal food and drink to share; and perhaps 20 runners at best.

I've done the Team Slug 50Ks before and they are the best, reminding me always of what ultra running is all about. It's not about the awards, nor how great this year's goodie back is. No tech-wear shirt either. It's just about running and when you finish, it's about having a beer with other runners, some whom you see but once a year; others you're seeing for the first time but will hopefully see again.

I am psyched!!!!!!!

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